Sorry this one's coming up so late everyone been pretty busy with stuff around the house all weeekend!
DJRanmaS: For me, it's been Final Fantasy III on the DS all week.
RyanBelknap: I have been playing Fallout 3 for the PC. Also I have beaten the game Slingo Quest for the PC.
MarronMarvel: My gaming week was cut short when my Xbox stopped working. Played a bit of Legend of Ys on DS instead. Fun game, but a bit wonky!
13xforever: I'm still playing The Last Remnant, but y-day Braid was released, and a little bit earlier - The Path, so TLR now have some competition
ajTwist: lots of Stepmania, built a level in LBP and finally checked out Katamari on the iPhone
cepwin: FIFA 09..especially Ultimate Team mode, Resident Evil 5, Peggle, some Grid with neighbor and his 3 year old and finally Oblivion.
Ray_Ayanami: Oh! And some Sin & Punishment. I got a new SD card so I transferred my VC and WiiWare games onto it.
Ray_Ayanami: Pop'n Music 16, IIDX 16, Tetris TGM and TGM clones, Bangai-O Spirits, Star Soldier R, Gradius ReBirth. Same stuff basically.
hendersonman: Tomb Raider Underworld DLC, Fear 2, and Valkyria Chronicles
VxJasonxV: Played Star Fox 64 a few days ago... I really can't think of anything else I've played this week. Been busy :/
act_deft: DDR MAX 1 and 2, Flow, American Idol, Rock Band (if anyone saw my Tuesday Tweets), Kirby Super Star Ultra, and Pokemon Platinum
djtyrant: World of WarCraft, Rhythm Heaven, Street Fighter 4, StarCraft
Goreaura: Been playing some old shit this week,namely Oblivion and my cnpy of BMUS (because I simply can't afford a JPN PS2 lol)
Kroze: Rock Band 2 at friend's house, Fallout 3, Resident Evil 5, Burnout Paradise, Puzzle Quest Galactrix, and getting Braid PC soon.
DarkTetsuya: Just enough NFSUG2 to finish it, then moved on to random DDR games (MAX, MAX2, some stepmania)
Deekman: Resident Evil 5 co-op with my brother in Australia, Project Sylpheed (surprisingly awesome!). Flock demo; didn't like it.